Saint Stanislaus Basilica has a Bookkeeper job opening available. For more information, please visit:

Words of Welcome from the Rector
Peace and All Good Things!
Welcome / Witamy to the Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr via our web site! We are a vibrant and spirit-filled Roman Catholic Parish. Founded in 1891 and under the care of the Conventual Franciscan Friars since 1902, we continue to be a strong community of faith. Our strong Polish roots and tradition have now blossomed into a diverse community of faith. Our St. Stanislaus School radiates faith and Franciscan spirit. Besides the Friars, we are blessed to have the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph and the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi as part of our ministry team. As you venture through our web site, please make the journey to come in person to worship, pray, and build community with us here on Front Street in Chicopee. In the spirit of Francis of Assisi, we wish you: Peace and all good things!
Mission Statement
As a Roman Catholic Community, we are dedicated to knowing, loving and serving God through the communal celebration of Jesus Christ.
Building upon our foundational ethnic heritage and quality Catholic education, we, as a parish family welcome diversity and value each other’s God-given gifts in a spirit of Franciscan joy and love as we journey together to bring our community into the Kingdom of God.
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